Francis Holland School

Sometimes very rarely we witness a little moment that is so “touch and go” that when it comes off you want to share it and this is one such moment and I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with you.

In this contract, we had circa 30tonnes of steel to erect in a courtyard, building locked basement 3m deep. Access was to be via a pair of double doors then through a personnel corridor.Called in after a competitor failed to organise a road closure for their crane we were given a pair of personnel doors as our only access checking the height it was close so close (see my finger between the crane and the ceiling ). We utilised two spider cranes though it was always going to be tight.We manoeuvred both cranes down the corridor. When they emerged one lifted the other down the basement pit. The second crane then completed the steel erection prior to being hoisted from the pit by the first crane. Both cranes then scamper back through the corridor job done!